2014, Volume 31 winners:

Michael Banker
Kary English
Auston Habbershaw
Scott Parkin

2015, Volume 32 Winner!:
Julie Frost
Published finalist:
KD Julicher

2016, Volume 33
Published finalist:
Molly Atkins

Congrats to them!

3rd and Starlight is kicking off its launch with a
Kickstarter campaign.

Help support the 3rd anthology, and grab
some awesome awards as well!

The Writers of the Future Finalists forum within these pages is a private forum, available only to Semi-finalists and Finalists of the L. Ron Hubbard writers of the future contest who did not place in the final three.
Published finalists are welcome.

Primarily, we are a writer's group.

We talk shop about how to get back to the
Elite eight, and beyond, into the Published three.
(Among other small talk.)

If you haven't yet reached semi-finalist, please join us
over at the come-all WotF forums here:


3rd & Starlight
Kickstarting now!

2nd & Starlight
Future Finalists 2nd anthology featuring twelve exciting sci-fi and fantasy stories.


Future Finalists
1st & Starlight
An anthology featuring fourteen of our authors.

You can pick up the e-book or paperback on Amazon.com



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